金牛子国际教育集团 Jinniuzi international education group 企业文化: Corporate culture: 爱、尊重、自由、快乐 Love、 respect、 freedom、happiness. 企业愿景: Corporate vision: 做中国幼教连锁品牌的引领者 To be the leader of the preschool education chain brand in China 企业核心理念: Core philosophy: 走在孩子后面 Walking behind the children
办园理念:走在孩子后面,守护成长之路。 The concept of kindergarten: walk behind the children, to protect the road of growth.
办园宗旨:相信孩子,相信成长,相信教育。 The purpose of kindergarten: believe that children, believe that grow, and believe in education.
办学目标:启迪每一个孩子发现自我,认识自我,成为国际小公民。 Educational goal:enlightenment each child find yourself, know his own self, to become an international small citizens. 王老师 蒙氏教学督导 胡老师 教育教学督导 骆园长 日月星城园长 罗老师 蒙特梭利教育专家 黄老师 团队培养优质讲师 |